Monday, September 25, 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Final exams: A & B Block

Monday, June 19, 2017



I collected books.

We reviewed and worked on the final exam

Brit Lit:

I collected books

we used ipads to finish work on your final portfolio's

Friday, June 16, 2017



We watched a documentary from the BBC on the controversy around Shakespeare's grave.

Please make sure you use the final review sheet to outline your answers for your final exam.

Brit Lit:

Today:  We continued work on your final portfolio.  Reminder- these are due the day of the final.

Thursday, June 15, 2017



We began work on outlining the questions on your finals with textual examples in small groups.

In class writing prompt comparing 12th Night and She's the Man.

Brit Lit.

Today we continued work on your final portfolio assessment.  These are due the day of the final for your class.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017



We finished watching the Globe production of the 12th Night.

I passed out the final review sheet.

Brit Lit:


We began work on your final portfolio.  You will have three class blocks to work on these.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


We took a quiz on act 3

We watched a pro version performed at the rebuilt Globe.

Brit Lit:

A Block:  Completed ipad horror slideshow for movies with Gothic Lit
C Block:  We read Araby and Shooting an Elephant as we wrap things up.

Monday, June 12, 2017


We finished She's the Man.

We acted out act III, sc 1

HW:  Please finish act 3 for HW.  Quiz Tuesday

Brit Lit:


A Block:  We read The Truth About George  Answer all the questions (1-10) at the end of the story.

We also finished reading our ghost stories for +10

I passed out the review for the final.  You will have wed-friday to sue class time to do the writing.

C Block:  
We went over the final

Using the ipads in small groups, you made a google slide showing how three modern books/movies follow the characteristics of Gothic Lit.  You needed to include pictures/movie clips for each stage.

Friday, June 9, 2017


We watched the movie She's the Man.

I assigned our last paper:
  She’s The Man: A Parody of The Twelfth Night

Please use the following rubric:

An introductory paragraph stating your thesis.  In it you should first define parody, and then lead to your opinion.  Did the movie parody the play the 12th Night?

____________________ out of 20 points

A 3 paragraph body that examines the connections between the two.  I would suggest organizing your examples into three main paragraphs: Similarities in story, Characters’, and finally your opinion on if the play is needed to truly appreciate and enjoy the film.  Each paragraph needs to have a transitional thought/idea/word.  Specific examples need to be given from both.  This is not a summary of the movie or play.  You are examining the movie to answer whether it is a successful parody.  Does it work and succeed as a story on its own, or is previous knowledge of the story needed? 

_____________________out of 60

A final conclusion paragraph that restates your thesis.  Please avoid terms like I have proved, etc.  I should not be used in this type of paper. 

____________________ out of 20

Brit Lit:

A Block:  We read your ghost stories in the dark.

C Block:  We read The Truth About George pgs 1250-1261 and answered questions 1-10 on pgs 1260-1261

Wednesday, June 7, 2017



Journal:  Please write a playbook description of both you and the character that you are playing.  1/2 page.  Brag.  You are a star.

We finished the awesome character sketches and presented your body outlines.

We took a quiz on act 1.

We continued act 1.

HW:  Please finish act 1.

Brit Lit:


Journal #36:  Most good movies often spawn sequels.  Please imagine this for one of the 3-4 stories that you did a peer edit on.  In the same style as the author, please write the first two pages of a sequel.  After, we shared with the author.  2 pages

We finished our look at Frankenstein and Gothic lit.

We learned how to use the super easy, but powerful trailer feature in imovie:

We used the ipads to make a movie trailer of one of the stories in your peer edit group.

HW: Please consider reading your ghost story during class Thursday.  10 points if you read yours under candlelight.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Monday:  Mr. Barr covered class and continued in act 1

Tuesday:  We went over the 20 most difficult examples of classical allusions in the play.

Journal:  Please use 10 of the classical allusion in a prompt describing your weekend.

Character outlines:  With a partner, you examined act 1+2.  You found all lines about and describing your characters personality.  We then made a life size outline, tracing your full body.  Around your body, you listed the lines describing your character.

We took a quiz on the play.

Brit Lit:

Monday:  I was out sick.  I asked you to read the intro to Frankenstein by Mary Shelly in your anthology.  Please answer the questions at the end (1-7)

Papers were due via  -10 points each day late.

Tuesday:  We looked at a comic take on Gothic lit: Young Frankenstein.

Friday, June 2, 2017


Congrats on your graduation from HS!  I will be at graduation cheering you all on.  Come over and say hi and grab a picture.

Very proud of you all and can't wait to see all of the incredible things that you will certainly accomplish.....



Journal:  Humor is very subjective.  What things do you find funny?  What it the funniest thing that ever happened to you?                                                       1/2 pg

I gave you 10 comedy terms and an ipad.  You have 30 min to find a video example showing that you understood the term.

We shared these and your comedy HW.

Brit Lit.


We broke into your peer editing groups and finished completing your peer edit question/rubric.  Reminder:  you will be graded on each that you completed as part of your paper grade 30%

We went to the computer lab and took those changes and incorporated them into your stories.

I moved the due date to Monday.  

You need both a copy of your story and must submit it via

On Monday we will read these in the dark......

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Journal:  Describe a time when you pretended to be something that you are not.  What was the reaction?

We finished our Sonnet 7 point crowns.  Pictures to follow.

I introduced the play and we went over the main parts.  You were each given a specific part.  Please look ahead at your lines before each class.

HW:  Please read act 1 sc1.  Also, bring in the funniest thing that you know.  These can be videos, stories, jokes, pictures, events.  Please be school appropriate.....

Brit Lit:


Journal #35:  Please list and describe in detail the allusions that you are planning on using in your story.

We listened to Someday We'll Know by the New Radicals and identified the 8 allusions in the song.

We broke into small groups and explained the 5 examples that I gave you.

You each did a peer edit using the checklist/questions provided.  These are worth 10 points each as part of the story assignment.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Journal:  Many of the truths that we cling to are often false.  Imagine three things that are considered to be true, but are actually false.   1/2 pg

Tuesday and Wed we speculated that maybe WS did not write all of his plays.  We watched the movie Anonymous.

King's Sonnet assignment:  For the last 30 min, I asked you to make a 7 point crown and for each point write the 7 that you had to make for HW.  We decorated these and passed them in.

Brit Lit.

Yesterday and today:  We went to the computer lab to write your ghost story.  Here is the assignment if you were abs:
Brit Lit:  Ghost Stories

Ghost stories continue to hold our attention.  They are easy to write, can be based on semi-factual information, and most people go into them wanting to be scared.  We will be writing original ghost/scary stories in class this week.

The story should be as original as possible. It may include your own personal experiences or experiences from someone you know. It must have at least 5 allusions, which you will note (highlighting, annotations, etc.) in your final
draft. You will also write a brief paragraph on the Allusions Reference Page explaining each allusion and stating the reason for using it in your piece. Be sure to correlate the allusion in the text to the explanation on the reference
page--a simple superscript number or something similar will suffice.

Remember, the story need not be scary, just supernatural. You can tell a funny story, a sad story, an adventure story, etc. Find something that fits your style and run with it! The required length is 4 pages. See the rubric for further
formatting instructions.

Drafts of your paper are due on the date below. We will do an in-class peer review on that day where you will work with one of your classmates. They will assess your paper based on the attached rubric, as I will do once you turn in your final revision. Your final revision is due on the date listed below.

1st draft due Thursday.
Final Friday.
Peer edit on Thursday- so make sure you have a copy printed and ready to go....

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Brit Lit:


We went over the history and characteristics of Gothic Lit.  I gave you printed notes on this.  Please see me if abs.

MEGA Journal:  Please use the characteristics that we covered and include them all clearly in an original tale of horror and suspense.

We finished making a storyboard for The Three Strangers short story.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Do you believe in ghosts?  What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?  1 pg

We watched a short film version of the Signalman.

Using Storyboard that, you made a storyboard for The Three Strangers.  A block will finish Thursday

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Going out to all our SENIORS!

Brit Lit:


We read The Signalman pgs 882-890.
We answered all the questions on pg 891

We read The Three Strangers (pg 894-907)
we answered the questions 1-7 on pg 908

Friday, May 19, 2017


This week:

We worked on your Sonnet project.  These are due at the end of class Friday.

Seniors were given a review sheet for the final.

Brit Lit:

This week we have worked on prepping for your final portfolio and looking at examples of Victorian fiction.

Please use the following links if you missed class this week (SENIORS!!!!):

Jane Eyre:

Withering Heights part 1:

Part 2:


Monday, May 15, 2017


We previewed your movies.  Great job on these guys!

I introduced the sonnets.

HW:  Find a sonnet that you connect with.  Please have for Tuesdays class.

Brit Lit.

Today:  We broke into groups with the ipads and completed:

Directions:  Please research the topic that you group was given.  Your end product should be a powerpoint presentation.  Know your audience- try and make it multimedia and visually interesting.  You will present these at the end.

Topic 1:  Living in the Victorian Age
What was day to day like during this time?  Please look at social, political, and domestic problems.  Some possible ideas:  electoral reform, Corn laws of 1846, Rights of women, future of Ireland. Please do part of this as a narrative describing the conditions of a single person, describing what daily life was like for you.
Topic 2:  Religion and science
Please research evangelicalism, The Oxford Movement, YMCA, Darwin, Social Darwinism.  What was the conflict between the two?  Did this have an impact on the literature of the time?  What were some of the advancements in science that cause tension in the church?
Topic 3:  Victorian poetry
Who were the major poets of this time?  What characteristics do these poems share?  Find three examples and present to class with a picture for each that corresponds with the central theme.
Topic 4:  Victorian Fiction
Please explain romanticism, realism, and naturalism.  Please choose 3 literary works.  For each, what specifically made them Victorian?
Topic 5:  Victorian Fashion
Please present the different fashions of the time.  As this is visual, please make sure to include drawings/pictures.

Thursday, May 11, 2017



Some groups watched 13 things I hate about you, others worked on finishing video.

Brit Lit:


We took the Macbeth test.  If you were absent this week due to ap testing, please schedule a time next week to make up.  I will be after on both Monday and Thursday.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017



Last official work day on your project.  I am after school Thursday if any group needs more time or help editing.

Brit Lit:


A Block ONLY:
Journal:  Where does evil come from?  Are people born evil?  Why does absolute power often lead to corruption?          1 pg

I collected journals #20-30

We finished the play (act V sc3-9)

We reviewed the for the test Thursday.

I gave you the essay question and gave you the last 10 minutes to make an outline.

Reminder:  You may use all of your notes on the test.  This includes your essay outline.  You must, however, write the essay during the test.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Work day on video project day 3

Brit Lit:


A block took a quiz on act IV

We acted out Act V sc 2+3

We wrote the lost suicide note of Lady Macbeth.  In your lost letter, you needed to use at least three of the Shakespearian language tricks to we covered and circle each example.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Word of the Weeek:

Crossbuck:  Noun.  An X shaped warning sign at a railroad crossing.


Only 7 women have ever made the FBI most wanted list.


Project work day:

Today please work on the following:  Film/refilm, edit on ipads, voice over/music work.

Due end of class Tuesday.

Brit Lit:


Small groups:  Shoe acts 1-4 without using words.  Each event must be shown.  Your group grade will be based on effort and showing all major plot points.

Sounds easy?  You also need to do this backwards .......and exactly 42 sec.......

We began act 5 sc 1

We rook a quiz on act 4/start of 5.

Friday, May 5, 2017



We continued work on your Taming of the Shrew movie version.  At this point, each group should have begun filming.

Brit Lit:

Today we watched the Polanski ver of Macbeth up to act V

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Taming of the Shrew Movie projects:

Filming day 2.

Brit Lit.


Journal.  Please explain how you think the three new prophesies will resolve the play in act V.  Use your imagination......                                               1pg

We watched your Macbeth movie projects.  For those choosing to complete the alternative assignment, please have those for Monday.  I will post samples here....

A block worked on the end of act IV

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today:  Workday #1 on film project.

Objectives for today:

Have script typed and complete.

Read thru script at least once.

Use the blocking sheets to imagine how you plan to film this BEFORE you film.  These are required and will result in a better project.

Discuss costumes

We looked at a tutorial on imovie.

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Please describe a time that you were very suspicious of someone or something but you were wrong.  1/2 pg

We broke into small groups to complete the following assignments:

#1 I asked you to design the set for the scene to show that we are now in a different location (England).  This could be a description or drawing.

#2  Suspicion of McDuff.  Please answer the ten lines that I gave you questioning Macduff's motives and answer these as McDuff.

#3 Some say Shakespeare was a secret Catholic.  Please look at the first two pages of the scene and see if you can identify the Christian images.

We acted out the scene to end class.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017



We broke into our groups and had the 2nd day to write your modern Taming of the Shrew script.  We will begin filming Wed.  Please communicate with your group if you are absent.  Remember, this is a group project.

Brit Lit.:


Journal:  In the 1st person, please write from the perspective of Fleance.  What would he write about the recent events?    1 pg

We acted out act IV sc1+2

We took notes on act 3

We took a quiz on act 3.  Please see me if you were abs.

Monday, May 1, 2017



Day 1 of 2: script for movie project.  Must include 10 characters, based in HS, show each scene and act, and above all else, be a comedy.

Brit Lit:


We finished your Macbeth Movie Projects.  The following are due:

Typed script
Storyboards outlining your ideas.
Evaluation sheet
5 min. movie.

I am afterschool this thursday for any group needing more time.

Friday, April 28, 2017


We finished Taming of the Shrew
We broke into groups and began work on the project generating three ideas.

Brit Lit:


Macbeth Film project workday:

Finish script (typed)
Storyboard needed shots
edit in iMovie on the ipads.

Thursday, April 27, 2017



We looked at the cast of characters in the play.

We finished Taming of the Shrew.

I assigned project due dates and answered questions.

Brit Lit:


We began looking at gross things in 2017.  I asked you to create a gross stew list of 20 ingediants.

We the began act IV and discussed if Shakespeare's gross holds up 430 years after.

You filled out responsibility sheets for your Macbeth project.  We also began work on a rough storyboard.  This will help you tremendously in organizing what you need to film Friday.

I gave you some time for those that are anticipating a group member being absent Friday.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Today:  We took the Othello test

Brit Lit:


We broke into groups and began working on your scripts for the Macbeth Movie project.

Monday, April 24, 2017



Journal:  You are a detective struggling to piece together the murder scene in act V.  Please write a police report detailing what happened.  Please make sure to include at least 3 character interviews.

We downloaded iMovie and worked on making Othello movie trailers to review the play. 

Both of these were meant to review the play.  Test Tuesday.  You may outline your essay questions.  I gave you these before vacation.

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Please describe what you did over break.  How did you use your Macbeth lines?  What was the outcome?     1pg

I assigned the Macbeth movie project. 

We learned how to use iMovie on the ipad.

We broke into groups and selected your scene.

We began work on your script.  This is due at the end of class on Wed.  You will have class time to work on it.

Thursday, April 13, 2017



We finished O.

I gave you a review sheet for Othello:
Othello Essay Questions ( 50 points)

CPA:  Please answer one essay question.  H:  Please answer 2 of the following questions.

Please consider one line that if taken out of the play, would change the play completely.  What line would you remove?  Please explain everything that it would alter.

Please describe in detail Act 5 of the play.  Your focus should be on how all conflicts were resolved.  What conflicts were left open?  You should also examine the main 5 characters and detail what happens to each at the end of the play as part of your answer.

Iago is a complex and interesting character.  Please examine his actions throughout the play and discuss how he successfully set up all of the main characters in the play.

If you had to remove 4 parts of the play that would not alter the main story, what parts would you remove and why?

Test on Tuesday.  Review on Monday.  You may outline your essay and use these notes on the test.

Brit Lit:


Journal:  You have an unlimited budget to cast a modern version of Macbeth.  Please consider casting actors that would have a modern appeal to younger audiences.  You may do this as a list, but please explain in detail as to WHY you selected each person.

We talked about the Macbeth curse:

HW:  Please use the lines that you memorized in a unique situation and be ready to write about it after vacation.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017



We finished our unit on Othello watching the modern HS re-telling in the movie O.

Brit Lit.:


Journal:  Please describe your unexpected 1/2 day yesterday in great detail.   1/2 page

We put the finishing touches on your 20 question Kahoots! quiz.

We played the best ones.

We started act III

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Macbeth Trump



Journal:  In act IV sc 2 we learn that Desdemona's father has passed away.  Please write a one page letter that he sends to his daughter on his deathbed.                               1 pg

Pg 206:  Four photographs assignment.

I passed out permission forms for the movie O.

We watched the final death scene and talked about the impact of making it a slow drawn out death.

HW:  Finish the play

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Macbeth goes back to receive 3 new prophecies in act IV.  What do you think these will predict?  How will each specifically effect the events in the play.  Please explain in detail    1pg

We finished the Macbeth lines, including the Cusick Challenges.  Props to Dawson and his Trump impersonation.

We broke into small groups to review act 1+2.  Each group used Kahoots! to make a review game.  Req: 20 questions, mult choice.  For each, please include a picture or video to make your question more interesting.  We played the best ones.

Monday, April 10, 2017



Journal:  What are your thoughts on black and white love relationships?  1/2 pg

Storytime:  We sat on the floor and shared your Othello Origin Children's story.

We acted act IV and played freeze pop.  With the tivo dvr remote, you paused the action.

Quiz on act 4 if time

HW act V sc 1+2.  Finish play for wed. 

Brit Lit:


Journal:  Please describe the experience of learning lines of Shakespeare.  What worked for you?  What was the hardest part?   Why are you not ready to go today?  1/2 page

We recited our 10 Macbeth lines.  -10 each day not ready.  This is a test grade.  One free line if you get stuck.

We finished act 2 and completed notes for the act.

We took a quiz on act 2.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


We went to the art and science show to support our classmates.

Brit Lit:

Today:  I passed back all of your term 3 assignments.

A Block:  We supported the art/science show.

C Block:  We looked at a modern version with a much older Macbeth:

HW:  Lines due Monday!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Shakespeare assignment: Production stills



We started class looking at the PBS special on Othello

This explored the controversy of having a true person of color playing Othello.

I broke you into small groups and gave you an ipad.  Each group needed to use the camera to take 4 production photos from Othello.

We displayed these via the apple tv to the class.

We started act IV sc 1.

HW (due Thursday): read act 4 sc 1+2.  Please be ready for a quiz on Thursday.

Brit Lit:


We defined the following terms:
Personification, metaphor, simile, reverse word, reverse sentence construction, reversed question.

These are Shakespeare's special effects- but they are also the things that make him often hard to understand.

With a partner, I asked you to identify 2 examples of each using anything that we have read in the play so far.

Last 15 min we watched the Polanski version of Macbeth.  For you next prompt, you will need to compare and contrast the two very different film versions.

Monday, April 3, 2017



We went to the lab and used the web site. to tell the story of act 1-3 in comic form.

Brit Lit:


We went to the computer lab and went to With a partner, you needed to tell the story in comic version up to the death of Duncan.

HW:  Learn those lines!  Due next Monday

Friday, March 31, 2017

Brit Lit:


Sorry, no Shakespeare in the snow activity today :-(

Instead, we broke into small groups and made a facebook page for any character in Macbeth.  You needed at least three quotes on your wall from the text.



We defined Pathos, ethos, and logos

We broke into small groups and made 3 different fictional commercials using each of the three terms for a single product.  We guessed for each and passed this in.

We broke into small groups and found examples of each in act 3

Journal:  Please use all three forms of persuasion to explain to me the grade that you feel that you deserve in this class for term 3.  1/2 pg.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

30 Rock based an entire episode on the Macbeth Curse:



We reviewed your HW (act 3 sc2-3)

We watched Othello on film

I passed back journals #11-20

We played a very unsuccessful round of Kahoots.

I broke you into groups by row and asked you to find an aside in the play, and recreate it as a Shakespearean manikin challenge, with a twist of an aside.  Each person is frozen from the scene, as one person steps out and gives an aside.  We filmed these on the ipads and will watch them in class Friday.

HW:  Finish act 3

Brit Lit:


I passed journals #11-20 back.

A block completed the paradox/equivocation worksheet.

We watched the 2016 version of Macbeth up to the death of Duncan

C Block:  Journal #21:  Please write a movie review from the perspective of a person that has read the play.  What was good, what was not so good?   1/2 page.

Reminder:  Learn those ten lines!