Friday, October 24, 2008


Brit Lit:

Next Friday, you are reminded that your Macbeth Video is due. 
Here is a brief description of the assignment as a reminder:
1.  Pick a part that we have studied (at least 5 min)
2.  Write a modern adaptation.  Include: Stage direction (see notes), Setting Description, voice (inflection, pause, stress.)
3.  Design and produce costumes
4.  Film Scene
5.  Play for class. :-)

Soph Lit: 

Today in class we relaxed and caught up in the BW version of Lord of the Flies.  A bit diff than the Simpson's version from Thursday, huh?

We will finish the novel for HW on Monday night.  If you are behind, as some of you are, please use this time to catch up and be ready for Monday.  Your character journals are now due Tuesday.  We will play a review game on Tuesday, and have our exam next Wed.

Have a great weekend.  Best of luck to all sport teams!  :-)

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