Friday, December 5, 2008


Brit Lit:  This week we explored poetry.  Please have your Paradise Lost translations ready for Monday.

Soph Lit:  Over the next 10 days, you will be making a video of A Midsummer Nights Dream. You can modernize, and change the script- have fun with the possibilities- A Mob boss for King, a High School Musical love triangle, Darth Vader as Oberon….Chewbacca as the lion….anything school appropriate goes…


You will be graded on the following rubric:

A script is passed in with video………………………………..20 points

Characters in video followed script…………………………….20 points

At least 5 minutes in duration (one act)…………………………20 points

Effort (costumes, production value, general effort in video)……40 points

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