Monday, March 16, 2009

Soph Lit:

Today we recreated a plane crash in class. I played sound effects, and narrated the action. After we "crashed" and pulled ourselves from the burning carnage, we found ourselves on the peaceful shore of a deserted island- alone with no adults.... Things seemed very peaceful until the nightfall, when we became very aware that at the center of the island was a uncharted jungle. Somehow we made it through the long night, and discovered a way to get a fire started. I asked you to record this in a journal. If you were absent, please see me to fully explain this assignment.

Tonight we enter a similar world in the novel Lord of the Flies. By the way, you always underline the title of the book- but this is not an option in the tools that I have in making this post. While we are on the subject- you NEVER underline your OWN title.

HW: Read CH 1-2. Please expect a quiz. In class Tuesday we will begin work on our survival guides. Luke is going to love this assignment- guaranteed.... All hail the Conch. The conch is power. There is nothing without order....

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