Monday, March 1, 2010

World of Shakespeare:

She’s the Man Parodies the Bard

Often, literature has an indirect impact on pop culture. Shakespeare is of course of no exception. The film She’s the Man borrows more than small doses of the story from The 12th Night. In fact, one could argue that the movie succeeds strictly as a direct parody of the play itself.

In a well written 5 paragraph essay, I would like you to answer the following questions: Does the movie She’s the Man successfully parody the play The 12th Night? While the tendency will be to answer yes, I would also encourage those to voice disagreement. Please examine not just the names, but more importantly, the function of the relationships in both stories. Does the film require the play to fully enjoy the story? Please have a clear thesis, and make sure to back this up with direct examples from both.

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