Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Soph Lit:

Oral Report Projects

For the next week, we are going to take a break from our study of novels. The study of English typically focuses on two main points: reading comprehension (what you understand when reading) and writing. Communicating through speech is also an important side of the subject. Everyone, no matter what your profession, will need to know how to communicate verbally. Even though some of you look at speaking in front of a group as painful as dental surgery, it is something that you all will eventually need to do.
Think of something that you know how to do well. This can be a hobby, a sport, or a skill. You job is to give a 5-10 minute oral report on your topic. You will be graded on the following points:

1. Introduction

2. Eye contact

3. Successful use of time

4. Thorough review / explanation of topic

5. Use of visual aids

6. Use of voice

7. Conclusion
You may wish to use note cards to organize your thoughts. Visual aids such as video, overheads, and charts are part of your grade. Remember, your final report needs to teach something. Your report needs to have set objectives. In other words, what do you want the class to know at the end? We will have a research day in the library. You will be able to obtain research from books, databases and the Internet.
Here is a timetable for the reports:

Tues, 10/19: Topics due. List 5 things that you may wish to give a report on.

Wed, 10/20: Research in the library.

Thurs, 10/21: Additional research if necessary. Outline for speech due. These may be on note cards.
Fri, 10/22- Tues 10/26: Oral reports. These should be 5-10 minutes.

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