Thursday, June 20, 2013

Brit Lit:

Today your Ghost story assignment was due.  I passed out the rubrics for the grade, and we identified the 5 allusions within your paper.  On the last page I also asked you to list each allusion and explain the specific reference, and how this directly contributed to your story.

A completed assignment consists of the following:
Assignment Rubric
4 page ghost story
Allusion menu, with 10 original allusions.
Original Storyboard

I answered any final questions that you may have had on the final Exam.  A Block takes their exam Friday, D Block on Monday.

I gave out term grades, and your final average before the final exam grade.  Reminder:  You final exam grade count towards 10% of your final year end grade.

As always in life, try and end each stage with greatness....

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