Monday, January 13, 2014

Brit Lit:


We started looking at a letter that Orwell wrote exploring many of the themes and ideas that ended up the next year in 1984:

I broke you into groups and asked you to make a newspeak version that twists the article that I gave you on jobs and the economy.  We shared these.

We broke into groups and completed the following:


--Method used to reveal/describe characters and their traits


--Hints of future events


--Verbal--narrator/character says one thing, means another

--Dramatic--reader/audience knows things characters do not

--Situational--great difference between purpose of an action and the result


--Author’s tone used to ridicule human/societal vice and/or weakness with

intent of causing change


--Statement that seems contrary to common sense yet may be true

War is Peace; Ignorance is Strength; Freedom is Slavery


--Representation of a concept/idea by an object


--Comparison/relationship between two things without using "like"/"as"


--Returning to earlier time in order to something in the present clearer

Themes (these must be defined within the terms of the text)


*Freedom vs. Absence of Freedom

*Individualism vs. Conformity

Note: 1984 was written in 1948, three years after the conclusion of WWII.


Directions:  Please break into small study groups and give examples of the above terms from pgs 1-122.  you will have 2 days to complete if needed.  The above terms will also be part of you final test on the novel- so please keep this sheet to study from.
HW:  Please read the article that I gave you, and up to pg 239 in 1984.

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