Monday, April 28, 2014

All Classes:

Journal Prompt (all classes):
What did you do over vacation?  If you did "nothing" please describe the nothingness in fine detail.                                                                                                              1 page

Brit Lit:  We completed looking at your unconscious thoughts and took 15 words generated before vacation and used your conscious brain to but them in the right order and structure a poem around them.

I passed back your Macbeth Projects.

I passed out our next novel, 1984.  If you are at the prom assembly Tuesday, please have read pgs 1-37 for Wed.

I gave you all a copy of the morning paper and asked you to cut out 25 words, with a focus on three examples of alliteration and build a headline poem off these words.


Please complete and print out.

Comp. Lit. II:
We finished DPS
We each received a free copy of the WSJ
We created headline poems using 25 of the words in an original poem.

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