Monday, September 21, 2015

Brit Lit


A Block: 
Due to some issues with the ipads, we went to the lib to finish work on your Hero's Journey paper.

HW:  Read pgs 42-68  Please take notes- you may use notes on the quiz Tuesday.

B Block:

We made a blues riff and read Sir Patrick Spens.  I had you read Get up and Bar the door with a drum beat.  Both were to help you connect why music and rhythmic patterns emerged in early stories.  We watched three clips of modern versions of Barbara Allen, and then read the original.

We finished Beowulf

Journal Prompt 7:  Please write a movie review for Beowulf.  Include your opinion and also commentary if it followed the hero's Journey and how.  1 page

HW:  Read pgs 42-68  Please take notes- you may use notes on the quiz Tuesday.

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